And for some reason, this taxi driver got on that turnoff, and I looked out the window and thought, “Oh my golly, I’m heading down to Indiana.” Well, happily there was a booth somewhere, a collection booth not too far down some miles, and we were able to get off that expressway, get back to O’Hare. I literally just made my plane, and got to, I think at the time it was London, and I was going to get a Air India flight from London to Sri Lanka. And for whatever reason that flight was taking off early, it’s hard to understand, but at Heathrow they told us be back at the airport at such and such a time, and the plane will be there. And now that I think about it, it wasn’t Air India, it was Air Sri Lanka. And I got there and said, “Here I am with my ticket, “I’m ready to go, where’s the flight?” And they said, “Oh, the captain decided leave early, he’s gone.” I said, “Gone?” They said, yup, he left, whatever X minutes before. So I’m thinking, “Okay, what do I do now?” I scrambled and found a flight from London to, I think it was Switzerland, to Zurich. And got there and was on a hold for the flight then from there to Sri Lanka. And I’m on a so-called waiting list and the place is full of people, of course, ’cause for whatever reason, various flights around the European area had been messed up just as mine was.