And occasionally the little bird would be stressed out and die in your hand. I can recall a dramatic case where Marlin Perkins, who was doing some “Zoo Parade” shows at the time, was doing something with one of the gazelles. And just the fact that the cameras were focusing on that animal in its small outdoor enclosure, within couple hours the animal was dead. And the autopsy showed nothing, but somehow the stress of people focusing in on that particular animal in that way, stressed it. So handling animals was indeed a real chore. And one funny thing happened that was not ha-ha funny, but funny because of the thing we’re talking about. We were shipping a gorilla from Lincoln Park Zoo to one of the European zoos, and they were anxious to get, and I can’t remember now which way the sex worked. They wanted to get a female and we had a surplus animal, so we were able somehow to get it into a transfer situation, and get it into the shipping crate, and send it to Europe.