And when he came, there’d be an entourage, and he would arrive, and was the presence, the man is here. and he very, very much cared about his zoo. And let me know that the reason that he enjoyed the zoo was that when he was a youngster, the zoo is one of the few places that his family could afford to go to. And by golly, as long as he was alive that zoo would remain free and open to anyone and everyone. And that was equally true of the commissioners, I certainly can’t say that they became friends, but I sure made an acquaintance with all of them. And one of them was an interesting man, named Colonel Jacob Arvey. And he lived in the Belden hotel across the street from where I lived. And so on the mornings I’d be walking my dog, there’d be the Colonel out, waiting for his ride to go to wherever he was going in town, he was an important political figure in Chicago.