I don’t think that Bob Bean and Marlin Perkins talked to each other about anything professionally, I don’t know about socially. And in fact, there were a few times in reflecting that I was probably one of the few linkages between those two zoos. I was at that time practicing out there in the suburbs, going to Brookfield, look at a sick animal, go to Lincoln Park, look at a sick animal. And that was sad, professionally it was just nil. And one of my challenges when I took over at the zoo, was certainty to try and right that wrong. And I just don’t recall clearly when Bob Bean left, as I remember it, Brookfield went through some administrative strange things which hopefully someday George Rabb can sort out for the history book. I think at first they ended up with two co-zoo directors, then they ended up with four co-zoo directors, and finally settled on one zoo director. And I think that’s when probably, Dr. George Rabb filled that niche.