And momentarily I was in trouble, I was able to brace my foot against the front of the cage. And as I recall it, I think I yelled and one of the keepers was within shouting distance, and he came and somehow helped distract the animal and it let go, but I could have ended up with a mangled hand or arm. That was one of the few times that I can recall that I had what I would consider a close call of working around with various dangerous critters. But so I’ve been lucky, very lucky in that sense. I had a lot of fun experiences going to the zoo on my emergency calls and part-time late calls. There’s street in Chicago called Ogden Avenue, which is a big wide street. And I recall one time doing a so-called emergency call to the zoo, and I was going across Ogden avenue on my way from Riverside, and I don’t know, the speed limit may be was 30 miles an hour, and I probably was doing 40 or 50. And a policeman pulled me over, and started to give me a hassle about why I was speeding and gonna give me a ticket.