At first, I didn’t get any money because I didn’t ask for any, I was doing it more or less out of interest. And finally, I think I got some, probably a stipend or something like $75 a month, a retainer fee. And I’m sure that I spent more of my money bringing drugs and supplies and things to the zoo because the zoo had no medical facility. There was no hospital, no doctor, no nothing. And Marlin had limited interest in spending money in that area, so I could afford to do it. And before I’d make my weekly trip down to the zoo, I’d check my black bag and a box of bandages, tape, whatever thought I might need, bring along the few things that I felt I needed in a way of intravenous fluids, the old stethoscope and you name it. And so all those years, the zoo really was a medical hobby. And financially zero, as far as helping me.