Wes proceeded to get probably the best job that a animal doctor could ever have, he ended up being humane officer for all Hollywood films. And so every time a dog, a horse, a cat, any animal was in a film in Hollywood, a veterinarian had to be on site. And Wes took that job. And so lo and behold Marlin, who I’d met with Wes, would call me up and say, “Well, Wes is gone, “are you able to come and look at such and such an animal?” And I’d say, “Well, I’ll check my schedule here “and see what I can do.” And I started going to the zoo at times to make a house call. And after my year at Northwestern, I decided I wasn’t fit to be a people doctor. I thought about it ’cause I took classes with some of the medical students while I was there. And I decided I wasn’t an academic person as far as a commitment to that goes. And so I said, “I’m gonna start a practice.” And I looked around the city of Chicago area, and found a interesting big gap between Midway Airport, and the town of Oak Park or River Forest, there is just nothing there in the way of veterinary hospital.