I never came home with any plans of what I would do as far as what to do, where to go. I surveyed the kind of local and national picture, and one of the places that I remember looked challenging and fun was at the university in New Hampshire. They were establishing a Veterinary Department at the school, not a veterinary college. And they wanted someone to come and help start that up, and I thought that was of interest. But I decided to just stop and visit with a guy named Dr. Wesley Young. Wes was head of the Anti-Cruelty Society at that time, he was a veterinarian, came from the east, he’d worked in Boston in the Humane Movement. And Wes also had been of help to me because when I was in veterinary college, my sophomore and junior year during the so-called vacation time, before we stopped having vacation time, the stay in our military province at school, I would work in the clinic there, and so I got to a know Wes. And he said, “You know there’s a real need “for someone here in Chicago.” And I said, “What’s that about, Wes?” And he said, “Well, Northwestern Medical School “are having incredible battles raging now “between the humaniac element.” The Anti-Vivisection Group, vivisection and so forth.